3.13. Section 13: Representation Issues

M1750 Ada supports all of the implementation-dependent features of Ada 95 Reference Manual Section 13 that have a useful meaning in an embedded system.

In particular:

The following are not supported:

3.13.1. Definitions from the predefined package System

Table 3-4 specifies values from the predefined package System.

Table 3-4. Named Numbers from package System

Named NumberValue
Max_Int263 - 1
Tick1.0 Microseconds

3.13.2. The type Address

The predefined type Address is 16 bits in size, and the unit of storage addressed is an 16-bit word. The value of the null address is zero. The type Address is declared in the visible part of package System, so that address expressions may contain numeric literals. M1750 Ada also declares the type Code_Address which is always 32 bits in size. This is used for the address of instructions.