Chapter 1. Implementation-Defined Pragmas

Table of Contents
pragma Ada_83 -- 
pragma Ada_95 -- 
pragma Annotate -- 
pragma Assert -- 
pragma C_Pass_By_Copy -- 
pragma Common_Object -- 
pragma Complex_Representation -- 
pragma Component_Alignment -- 
pragma Debug -- 
pragma Export_Function -- 
pragma Export_Object -- 
pragma Export_Procedure -- 
pragma Export_Valued_Procedure -- 
pragma Ident -- 
pragma Import_Function -- 
pragma Import_Object -- 
pragma Import_Procedure -- 
pragma Import_Valued_Procedure -- 
pragma Interface_Name -- 
pragma Linker_Alias -- 
pragma Linker_Section -- 
pragma Normalize_Scalars -- 
pragma Machine_Attribute -- 
pragma No_Return -- 
pragma Profile -- 
pragma Psect_Object -- 
pragma Pure_Function -- 
pragma Share_Generic -- 
pragma Source_File_Name -- 
pragma Source_Reference -- 
pragma Subtitle -- 
pragma Suppress_All -- 
pragma Title -- 
pragma Unchecked_Union -- 
pragma Unimplemented_Unit -- 
pragma Unsuppress -- 
pragma Warnings -- 
pragma Weak_External -- 

The Ada 95 Reference Manual defines a set of pragmas that can be used to supply additional information to the compiler. These language-defined pragmas are implemented in XGC Ada and work as defined.

In addition, the Ada 95 Reference Manual allows implementations to define extra pragmas whose meaning is defined by the implementation. XGC Ada provides a number of these implementation-dependent pragmas, which can be used to extend and enhance the functionality of the compiler. This chapter describes these additional pragmas.