Appendix E. The package Ada.Interrupts.Names

The predefined package Ada.Interrupts.Names contains declarations for the M1750 as follows:

package Ada.Interrupts.Names is

   --  Hardware interrupts, see MIL-STD-1750A for details

   --     PWRDWN   is handled in art0
   --     MACHERR  is handled in art0
   --     SPARE1   is available to applications
   --     FLVFLOW  maps to Constraint_Error
   --     FXVFLOW  is always ignored
   --     BEX      is handled in art0
   --     FLUFLOW  is always ignored
   --     TIMERA   is shared by applications and art0
   --     SPARE2   is available to applications
   --     TIMERB   is handled in the tasking system
   --     SPARE3   is available to applications
   --     SPARE4   is available to applications
   --     LEVEL1   is available to applications
   --     SPARE5   is available to applications
   --     LEVEL2   is available to applications
   --     SPARE6   is available to applications

   PWRDWN                : constant Interrupt_ID := 0;
   MACHERR               : constant Interrupt_ID := 1;
   SPARE1                : constant Interrupt_ID := 2;
   FLVFLOW               : constant Interrupt_ID := 3;
   FXVFLOW               : constant Interrupt_ID := 4;
   BEX                   : constant Interrupt_ID := 5;
   FLUFLOW               : constant Interrupt_ID := 6;
   TIMERA                : constant Interrupt_ID := 7;
   SPARE2                : constant Interrupt_ID := 8;
   TIMERB                : constant Interrupt_ID := 9;
   SPARE3                : constant Interrupt_ID := 10;
   SPARE4                : constant Interrupt_ID := 11;
   LEVEL1                : constant Interrupt_ID := 12;
   SPARE5                : constant Interrupt_ID := 13;
   LEVEL2                : constant Interrupt_ID := 14;
   SPARE6                : constant Interrupt_ID := 15;

   --  Events. All reserved for the run-time system

   System_Call           : constant Interrupt_ID := 16;
   Breakpoint            : constant Interrupt_ID := 17;
   Suspend               : constant Interrupt_ID := 18;
   Program_Exit          : constant Interrupt_ID := 19;
   Ada_Exception         : constant Interrupt_ID := 20;
   IO_Event              : constant Interrupt_ID := 21;
   Timer_Interrupt       : constant Interrupt_ID := 22;
   Int_23                : constant Interrupt_ID := 23;

   --  Faults. Available for application health management

   Deadline_Error        : constant Interrupt_ID := 24;
   Application_Error     : constant Interrupt_ID := 25;
   Numeric_Error         : constant Interrupt_ID := 26;
   Illegal_Request       : constant Interrupt_ID := 27;
   Stack_Overflow        : constant Interrupt_ID := 28;
   Memory_Violation      : constant Interrupt_ID := 29;
   Hardware_Fault        : constant Interrupt_ID := 30;
   Power_Fail            : constant Interrupt_ID := 31;

end Ada.Interrupts.Names;